gold / 脱・ペーパー。

Like most 18 year olds in my generation, I got my drivers license in spring break of my high school senior year. In Japan, typically one attends a “driving school” (for a few months) or “driving camp” (a few weeks) where you pay for instructors to teach you how to drive. Students start out inside the “driving school course” which is like a bigger version of a go-cart course with crossings, junctions, parking spots etc, then start practicing on the real road. The instructor accompanies the student in a special car that has a built in brake peddle in the front passenger seat. “If” well, more like “when” necessary, the instructor can stop the car. Quite different from how American teens learn how to drive right? I later learned that this Japanese system is designed prioritizing students to obtain the knowledge and experience to pass the regulator “drivers test” (both written and driving) , not so much so to prepare them for the real world. Once you get your license, you’re free to make your own mistakes and learn along the way to become a responsible and good driving citizen.
Drivers license are renewed after 3 or 5 years depending on whether the driver has violated any regulations. If you’re accident and penalty free, you get a “gold” status on your drivers license, that lowers your car insurance, and extends your license renewal period. Good drivers get rewarded. Makes sense right? The minor issue here is that you still get “gold” status, even if you’ve never driven a car since you’ve renewed your license. Hence, the tens and thousands of so called “paper drivers” (one of those Japanese made English sounding words originating from when drivers license used to be a piece of paper, meaning that drivers who just hold that piece of paper, but don’t actually drive.)
I’ve been an on and off paper driver for the past 2 decades. I’d rent a car on a remote island, or ask a friend to let me drive their car etc, but never been really comfortable or confident driving. “It can’t be that hard, everyone drives!” I thought. And tried learning a few times, having a friend teach me in his car, having my parents gasp and caution me in their car, enjoying drives in the remote islands with no car in sight. I “could” drive, but in my heart I was cluelessly in constant worry and fear. I felt like I had no idea what I was doing but didn’t know where to start. Sounds kind of silly right? It’s just driving a car! I know! But I guess when you constantly focus on hearing about accidents, “stupid drivers” and “women are the worst drivers” you kinda need extra hand holding to step into the what seems like a chaotic world of “driving a car.”
The story of gold became a little long but anywho, one day as I watched perfect waves breaking in an empty beach 2 hours away from Tokyo, just like that I realized how much opportunity, well in this case, how many good waves I was missing, simply because I didn’t drive. It’s not an Olympic sport, anyone can drive dummy, I just have to find someone who can teach me. Sure enough when the student is ready, the internet lets you find a great teacher.
英語ではよく When the student is ready, the teacher appears, 生徒の準備が整うと先生が目の前に現れる、というけれど、まさに。インターネットさまさま だ。そして先生 さまさま だ。